Banyan Bowl Theater at Pincrest Garden, Miami, FL

LOVE IS NOW! This is the slogan and the call that brings us together to celebrate the eleventh edition of the Medicine Music Festival "Todo el Mundo Dice Aho".

The festival will be held at the Banyan Bowl Theater at Pinecrest Gardens in Miami, FL, on October 19 of this year and tickets are already on sale on our website

It will be a gathering full of Hispanicity, where for the first time in Miami: CORAL ROJO from Chile, NACIÓN EKEKO from Argentina, ELI LIGTH from Colombia, the artist and visionary painter JUAN CARLOS TAMINCHI from Peru and TERESA DE JESÚS and JESÚS HIDALGO from Venezuela.

It is a true act of conscious love and resilience, to sustain in time this prayer that we do year after year to promote, spread and honor the music made with the highest human values to celebrate life, Mother Nature, ancestors and family, in order to expand mind and heart and we can have a dignified, healthy and harmonious existence through art.

Let's do it together!

We invite you to join our community to continue manifesting and celebrating for a long time, these spaces of conscious music, LOVE IS NOW!!!!